Ideas Fund

Ideas Fund

Partick and Thornwood Ideas Fund

The Partick and Thornwood Ideas Fund was initially launched in 2018 by Partick housing Association in partnership with Annexe Communities.

Over recent years, the project has grown and is delivered by Annexe Communities with a Steering Group made up of representatives of Partick Housing Association, Partick Community Council, Thornwood Community Council, and Dowanvale Church.

The Ideas Fund gives local people and organisations an opportunity to apply for grants to realise their ideas, delivering positive change for local people in the community. With each round, everyone living or working in the Partick and Thornwood area has the opportunity to vote to decide which projects are funded.

The Ideas Fund is delivered through Participatory Budgeting – a democratic way for people to have a direct say on how public money is spent. PB gives people the opportunity to identify and discuss what matters to them in their communities and to vote on their priorities.

What is PB

About Participatory Budgeting – Video

Poster: Ideas Fund Autumn Timeline 2023